Tusk: Har noterat kritik mot Spitzenkandidat-systemet
Donald Tusk: Rationellt att skjuta upp Brexit - DN.SE
Båda varnar för allt fler auktoritära Japans premiärminister Shinzon Abe och EU:s ledare Donald Tusk och Jean-Claude Juncker har enats om att det är brådskande att driva på Tony Blair och Jean-Claude Juncker, skrev Polens president under vad som Lissabonfördraget förhandlades inte fram av premiärministern, Donald Tusk. Både Donald Tusk och kommissionsordförande Jean-Claude Juncker hade enskilda sidomöte med den brittiska premiärministern om en Enligt EU:s permanente rådsordförande Donald Tusk är inget ännu klart. EU-kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker sade i sin tur Jean-Claude Juncker ja Donald Tusk. Ordförande för kommissionen som torde inleda sitt arbete i november, Jean-Claude Juncker gratulerar Även Europeiska rådets och Europeiska kommissionens ordförande, Donald Tusk och Jean-Claude Juncker, deltar vid middagen. Tema för EU-kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker som tillsammans med permanente rådsordföranden Donald Tusk har en intensiv start på ordförandena Juncker och Tusk att gemensamt underteckna avtalet å EU:s vägnar, dels godkänna utkastet till beslut om ingående av avtalet. said President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.
JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker, Emmanuel Macron and Donald Tusk are embroiled in a cold war to become the saviour of the European Union (EU). By Joey Millar. PUBLISHED: 18:37, Fri, Sep 29, 2017 Tajani, Juncker, and Tusk command at least 43,000 employees; propose, amend, and pass laws that govern 513 million citizens (more than half of whom are women, by the way); decide where to spend 3 Oct 2019 Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar spoke to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker. Juncker to BBC: Are you the Subsection: Europe. 1:39. New European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker 10 May 2019 Tajani, Juncker, and Tusk command at least 43,000 employees; propose, amend, and Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker in Sibiu.
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Jean-Claude Juncker’s on the other hand, only recently joined the social media, including Twitter (during his election campaign for the Commission Presidency). European Commission - Press Release details page - European Commission - Statement Brussels, 4 July 2017 European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk have today sent a joint letter to EU Heads of State or Government, setting out the EU priorities for the G20 Summit which takes place on 7-8 July in Hamburg, Germany: Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker have laid down the gauntlet to Theresa May 's successor as they said the Brexit divorce deal cannot be changed but the terms of the future EU/UK relationship Tusk, the European Council president, believes the EU needs time to lick its wounds and should shift power back from Brussels to national capitals. Juncker, who runs the European Commission, trusts in the power of EU legislation to nudge countries toward common ground. Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk have made statements on Brexit's conclusions at last week's European Council, the European Union reported.
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For instance, he tried to convince Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to wear a tie by offering his own.
Merkel and Macron tensions rise over EU top jobs
Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk have made statements on Brexit's conclusions at last week's European Council, the European Union reported. They were also joined by Manfred Weber, with
The EU at the G20 summit in Hamburg: Joint letter of Presidents Juncker and Tusk Brussels, 4 July 2017 European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk have today sent a joint letter to EU Heads of State or Government, setting out the EU priorities for the G20 Summit which takes place on 7-8 July in Hamburg, Germany:
In a clear slap down directed at Juncker and his big-mouthed staff, Mr Tusk tweeted: “Brexit talks difficult enough. If emotions get out of hand, they’ll become impossible. Juncker and Tusk are politicians of different styles, and at times during the past year have shown there is no love lost between them.
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15 Jan 2016 Transatlantic data flows: joint letter to Presidents Obama, Juncker, Tusk and heads of state or government of the 28 EU members states. Letter by President Juncker and President Tusk on the G20 Summit in Hamburg. English (1.9 MB - PDF).
"Therefore president Juncker conveyed exactly the same message in his own words, for example on 12 May in Berlin”, she said.
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Juncker met with Donald Tusk, the new president of the 8 Mar 2016 Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the EC, received Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and Martin Schulz, President of the EP, 14 Nov 2018 President of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker has written to EU President Donald Tusk telling him that the UK is ready to take 20 Oct 2014 Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker, Credit: Jean-Claude Juncker (CC-BY-SA -3.0). The appointment of the Polish Prime Minister Donald 20 Apr 2017 MINISTER-PRESIDENT.
Kungaparet hos Juncker och Tusk - PressReader
High fives between Tusk and Juncker as the EU plays hardball with Theresa May amid the Prime Minister's request for a Brexit delay. Donald Tusk said today a short delay was 'possible' but only if Juncker and Tusk Opening Statements and Debate on Results of Brexit European Council Summit. Sputnik was live. March 27, 2019 · Juncker and Tusk opening statements Dear President Juncker, dear President Tusk: We are scholars, politicians, public intellectuals and members of the European Parliament writing to you with the following concern: The European Union has proclaimed the Rule of Law principle and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms to be binding on its Member States (Articles 2 and 6 of the Lisbon Treaty). TALLINN - Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid met with European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Friday, and the meetings focused on Estonia's priorities during the upcoming EU presidency, but also digital development, the migration crisis and security issues.
Under torsdagen besökte premiärminister Theresa May Bryssel för att träffa Donald Tusk och kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker, Tusk ger EU två månader att få ordning på flyktingkrisen Donald Tusk med EU-kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker Foto: AFP / Europeiska rådets ordförande Donald Tusk har noterat att det finns ett efterträda Jean-Claude Juncker som EU-kommissionens ordförande. Det skriver kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker i rapporten ”i nära samarbete med” eurotoppmötets Donald Tusk, euro-gruppens Jeroen Europeiska rådets ordförande Donald Tusk, Mark Rutte för det roterande EU-ordförandeskapet samt EU-kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker. EU:s permanente rådsordförande Donald Tusk, Kinas premiärminister Li Keqiang och EU-kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker Juncker och permanente rådsordföranden Donald Tusk hand med Kinas premiärminister Li Keqiang i Bryssel tidigt på tisdagseftermiddagen. of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker for discussions.